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How You Can Spot Drunk Drivers Operating on Our Roadways


Police car in the cityWhat is one of the leading causes of motor vehicle accidents ending in injuries and fatalities every year across West Virginia? Drunk driving. Not only is getting behind the wheel of a car negligent, but it is also life-risking, as it can cause serious dangers to motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, and more on our roads. Many laws have been put in place in West Virginia to prevent these acts that occur every year. However, we continue to see many accidents that involve these types of drivers and the bad decision that led to serious results.

Recognizing Drunk Driving on Our Roadways 

Spotting a drunk driver might not always be obvious. Somebody swerving on the roadway could indicate distractions or medical issues on top of drunk driving. However, we want to show you some of the most common ways that you can detect that somebody is driving drunk so that there is a better chance that you can stay safe and protect others as well:

Lane Position Issues: If somebody is driving intoxicated, they might experience difficulties with maintaining their position on the road and could swerve all over the lane. If somebody is striking other objects as they drive or weaving across traffic lanes, there is a good chance that they might be driving intoxicated. 

Speed and Braking Problems: Drivers who are driving impaired have a hard time judging speed and distance when they are driving, which includes being able to make a proper stop. Stopping issues include coming to a stop at an odd angle, making quick stops that are jerky in nature, or stopping beyond a line on the road, such as a crosswalk.

Issues with Vigilance: A drunk driver might not notice traffic conditions on a roadway. They might have a slow response to a traffic signal or use the wrong turn signal when they are changing lanes.

Failure to Use Judgment: Drivers must be alert at all times; however, if somebody is driving under the influence, they might take road risks that can put others in danger as their judgment is off. Some of these acts include following a vehicle too closely, making illegal turns, driving off the road, or having their head fall to one side while they drive.

Police have the skills and equipment to detect if a person is drunk from the moment they are pulled over. Some of the ways that they dictate this is through the odor of alcohol being present on a driver, slurred speech, having a slow response to questions, and having poor motor skills. If you believe that somebody is driving drunk, it is imperative that they are reported for these actions immediately, as lives could be saved.

If You Have Been Injured by an Intoxicated Driver 

It is incredibly important that you act quickly to retain your rights after you have been injured at the hands of a drunk driver. When you have been injured, our accident attorneys at Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner are here to help you hold a drunk driver responsible for their reckless behavior. Our personal injury attorneys are skilled in drunk driving cases leading to injuries and want you to know that you are not alone. Please contact us at (304) 713-2014 to find out what we can do for you.
