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Speeding and the Dangers It Poses on Our Roadways


Speeding is one of the major dangers that we face on our roadways. Serious injuries and fatalities are caused every year across West Virginia when speeding drivers suddenly lose control of their vehicles. In 2017, it was reported that approximately 9,717 people lost their lives in speeding accidents, which remain one of the top reasons for fatal accidents across the country.

The truth is, we are all busy. All drivers who share our roads have moments where they think it might be nice to get ahead of traffic and get to where we need to be on time when vehicle congestion has been holding us back. It can be frustrating to be late to where we need to go, but speed limits have been put in place to protect everyone who shares the roads. Speeding is a danger that we can prevent.

Why Many Drivers Engage in Speeding 

EMTs pulling out accident victim from ambulanceSpeeding is considered to be aggressive driving because it puts so many other drivers on our roads at risk. Here are some of the reasons why speeding takes place on our roads every day:

Traffic: Traffic is one of the main reasons why drivers engage in speeding. If you are headed to work in the early morning hours and traffic is backed up, you might feel the need to speed when traffic is moving once more. However, being late is better than taking a life.

Running Late: Many people speed because they are running late and want to get to their destination on time when they did not leave with enough time. Unfortunately, this is extremely risky behavior.

Many people continue to engage in speeding because they believe that they will never be caught and there is almost-certain anonymity on our roads since drivers do not know most other drivers from the next. Drivers have a certain sense of detachment from others on the roads and might think that they can get away with speeding and that they are invincible to becoming involved in a speeding accident.

Why Speeding is So Dangerous 

So, why is speeding so dangerous and risky on our roads? Speeding is a risky habit to engage in because of the dangerous and even deadly consequences it can bring. Here are some of the main consequences that can be sustained from speeding:

  • A driver might more easily lose control of their vehicle, especially when they are going around a curve or trying to maneuver around obstacles that suddenly appear in the roads.
  • A driver might not be able to stop in time when another driver slams on their brakes.
  • Other motorists and pedestrians might not be able to judge how quickly a speeding driver is coming.

The risk of serious injuries and fatalities in speeding accidents is much higher than if somebody was obeying the rules of the road. Speeding collisions tend to lead to badly damaged and crushed vehicles, restraint systems failing, and more.

At Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner, our experienced personal injury attorneys are here if you have been involved in a speed-related car crash due to the negligence of another. Luckily, you are not alone and millions of Americans are affected by these accidents every day. Contact us for more information in the midst of your accident case at (304) 713-2014.
