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Staying Aware of Driving Dangers During This Winter Weather Season


Snow plow removing snow from the road.Snow, sleet, and fog – all of these conditions can be present during the winter season, which is why it is imperative that drivers utilize an excess of care when they know that they will be driving in these adverse conditions. Sharing the roadways with others can be scary when some individuals might not be as experienced driving in the snow but have to make their way home from work at the end of a cold, snowy day. Ice can cause vehicles to slide out of control, leading to multi-vehicle accidents. If we can work to prevent these accidents, we might experience lessened injuries and loss of lives due to weather-related accidents.

Winter Driving is Dangerous 

The most accidents that happen every year happen during the winter, with one of the main reasons being the horrific weather conditions we endure. According to research conducted by the Federal Highway Administration, nearly 22% of all car accidents at any given time happen due to the weather. And it isn’t just snow and ice that cause these accidents, either – sometimes they happen due to flooding, bitterly cold conditions, and freezing rain that we would have never expected. What are some ways that we can work to prevent these accidents that cause many people harm every year?

By remembering some of these winter driving tips, we can work to prevent the accidents that take lives and cause injuries every single year:

  • By accelerating and decelerating slowly, you could avoid skidding. You never have to get moving in a hurry when ice or snow lines the roadways.
  • Drive slowly, as everything should happen as slowly and safely as possible on these roads. This means stopping and turning, too.
  • The following distance between you and others should increase so that you can provide others with a chance to stop. Remember, some might not be able to.
  • If there is ice on the road, don’t power up a hill and don’t stop until you get to the top. Moving up a hill on an icy road could lead to many dangers.
  • Stay home if you absolutely do not have to go out so that you and others are not put in danger.

Determining Fault if You Have Been Injured in an Accident

Have you been injured in an accident that happened due to bad weather conditions and you wonder who is at fault? If the accident involved other vehicles, you might understand that you can’t just simply blame the weather and receive the compensation you deserve in most cases, which is why it is important to know your rights. When a driver loses their vehicle under any circumstances, they are liable for the damage that they cause. When ice lines the roads, it is possible that a vehicle might not stop and could ram into the back of your vehicle. Perhaps somebody could cross a line and you will collide head-on. No matter how the accident happened, if it happened due to negligent actions, you will be able to bring a claim.
