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The Prevalence of Teen Driving Distractions on Our Roadways


Paramedics loading a patient into an ambulance.By understanding how prevalent teen driving accidents are on our roads and looking at the research behind what causes these accidents to occur, we can manage the number of accidents that take place every year. As a result, fewer teen drivers might be injured or lose their lives in these horrific and preventable accidents. There are many types of aspects that can take a teen driver’s eyes off of the roads for even a second, which can lead to the most devastating results imaginable.

Why Do Teens Become Distracted?  

The truth is, teen drivers might have had to spend time behind the wheel to obtain their license in the first place, but they are still inexperienced compared to drivers who have been on our roads for years, learning the many types of ways to maneuver a vehicle. Teens might not be as skilled when reacting to conditions that can lead to a crash, which makes them more prevalent. Some of the biggest reasons for these accidents every year include aspects such as talking to peer passengers sharing the vehicle, talking or texting on a cell phone, fiddling with the radio, eating, or putting on makeup while attempting to drive. When somebody is thinking about anything other than driving, the likelihood of an accident increases.

In many cases, parents hold the decision to step in and guide their teenage drivers in the right direction to prevent these accidents. This is especially true in cases involving new teenage drivers who are not as experienced on the roads and might be more tempted to engage in these behaviors, thinking they can balance many aspects all at once.

The Growing Issue of Teen Driving Accidents 

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety took a closer look through studies to find that teen driving distractions are actually a bigger issue than we once thought they were. In fact, driver distractions were prevalent in 6 out of 10 severe teen driving accidents, which is about four times as many accidents as we used to think were caused by these reasons. Here are some of the biggest distractions, rated by the number of crashes they account for:

  • Interacting with other people in the vehicle
  • Using a cell phone in any fashion
  • Looking at something in the vehicle or outside of the vehicle
  • Singing or moving to music
  • Personal grooming
  • Reaching for an object on a seat or the floor

If you believe that your accident happened because a teen driver was acting in a negligent way, there are ways that you can move forward with a claim. For instance, your attorney might be able to make a claim against the driver when negligence is established, such as in a case where the teen was texting and driving and you are able to prove this. In other cases, you might be able to bring a claim against the teenager’s parents if the parent knew that their child engaged in dangerous behaviors in the past and could have likely caused your accident to occur. From there, you might be able to compensate for a wide variety of damages.

Turning to Legal Help 

No matter what type of personal injury case you have been involved in West Virginia, it is important to have a legal professional on your side every step of the way. At Katz Kantor Stonestreet & Buckner, we understand that you want your claim to be taken seriously, which involves collecting the best evidence and applying laws to your place that can help you maintain the compensation you deserve. Contact us to find out what we can do for you in your time of need at (304) 713-2014.
