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What is the Expected Timeline When You File an Injury Claim?


Paramedics loading a patient into an ambulance. Many people fear how long it will take for them to receive compensation after they have been injured in an accident. This is mostly entirely due to the fact that those who have been injured will receive a wide variety of damages due to their accident. If you have been injured in a car accident due to the negligence of another party, time can feel as if it is dragging on until you are able to fully move forward. What is the expected timeline until you are able to fully move forward?

The Length of a Personal Injury Lawsuit 

One of the questions that many people have is this: Is it worthwhile to bring a claim? The second question they might have is: How will I be able to keep up with the bills while I await compensation? Unfortunately, there is no set amount of time when it comes to personal injury claims, which means that you might receive a resolution in no time at all, while in other cases, it could be months or years until there is a resolution. This is due to the fact that every personal injury case is different from the next when it comes to the types of injuries you receive, the pattern of facts and evidence in your case, and the other parties involved. This is why it is nearly impossible for an attorney to predict how long it will take to settle your case, but they might have a pretty good understanding when they look at all of these aspects.

One of the best ways that you can begin kickstarting your case is by talking to an attorney as soon as possible after your personal injury accident. This is especially for those who have done more than simply walked away with a few scratches from an accident. Some people will be so badly injured after an accident that they sustain permanent injuries or will not be able to return to work for quite some time. If this happens, it is time to speak with a personal injury attorney to gain some insight into what you should expect in your particular case.

Here are just a few of the important steps that are taken in a personal injury claim:

Medical Treatment: After an accident, it is always imperative that you receive medical attention. The healing process might be one of the longest and most arduous times in your case, as some people will spend weeks or months in the hospital if their injuries were quite severe. 

Initial Lawyer Meetings: Meeting with your attorney might take place over a span of a few weeks so that you can both work together to gather all of the necessary evidence and facts in your case.

Reviews: Medical records will be reviewed. If you are still receiving treatment, this part could take months until you are healed and are ready to file your claim. 

Demands and Negotiating: Negotiations might take place before you even think of filing a claim. These can go back and forth for some time without any resolution. 

Lawsuit Filings: Before a claim gets to trial, many aspects have to happen – which means that it could be months to years before you see the inside of a courtroom. 

Trial: After all of the months of waiting, you will finally go to your trial, but they could be rescheduled many times and you might not receive the resolution you needed in a short amount of time.

It is a good idea to prepare for anything when it comes to your personal injury claim, as many of these aspects come with delays. At Katz Kantor Stonestreet & Buckner, our experienced attorneys have handled a wide variety of personal injury claims and would like to offer our support as you go through one of the most difficult things in your life. Contact us to find out what we can do for you at (304) 713-2014. We are waiting to hear from you.
