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When Your Car Accident Injuries Don’t Show Up Right Away


Following a car accident, many people will receive injuries, some of which are very minor and others that are severe and catastrophic. The issue remains that, following accidents, symptoms might not show up right away and an injured party might be faced with the reality that they do not know that they are injured. This is why, after an accident, you are always urged to pay close attention to your health and seek medical help that you deserve.

Why Our Bodies “Block” Pain

The prospect of a car accident is an exciting one, even if we do not mean exciting in a positive way. You see, car accidents release what we call “adrenaline,” which might make us feel suddenly frightened or excitable after a collision. We might feel on high alert or our pain will be completely blocked after one of these incidents. You might feel increased energy and will claim that you’re feeling good, only to end up in the hospital days later when pain comes knocking at your door.

When the release of chemicals in your body has worn off after a car accident, you might suddenly be left with decisions to make as you come to terms with the fact that you could end up paying for bills associated with your injuries, even though another party should be held liable.

You Should Always See a Doctor “Just in Case”  Judge's gavel

Even when you believe that the injuries you have sustained are not severe or are nonexistent, you might still make the decision to see a doctor just in case. This is especially true for those who get involved in an accident and then feel any type of pain and discomfort. Your doctor is your best bet for being able to diagnose you with whatever condition you might be facing, determine how severe your injuries will be in the future, and help prepare you for how they will impact your life.

If you choose not to see a physician and you allow your injuries to get worse, you will struggle with your claim in the future. This is due to the fact that it looks to the insurance adjuster like you skipped treatment and your injuries are not as bad as you make them sound. This is why it is important to have a doctor’s opinions on record.

Another thing that is of vital importance is that, if your doctor recommends a treatment plan based on your injuries, you should always follow through. This is something that will likely come up in court and you don’t want to appear as if you weren’t taking your injuries seriously. Always keep the best-recorded documentation of the treatment that you have received so that you can be reimbursed for your injuries and any aspect that comes along with it.

Speaking to an Attorney Who Can Help 

You want to make sure that everything is documented correctly and that you have the guidance you deserve to move forward with your personal injury claim during these difficult times. If you have been injured in a car accident and you believe that you have sustained injuries, it is time to seek medical attention so that you can get started on your claim. At Katz, Kantor, Stonestreet & Buckner, our attorneys are skilled at obtaining the best personal injury case results for those involved in car accident cases in West Virginia. Please contact us to find out how we can assist you at (304) 713-2014.
