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Tips for Obtaining the Best Personal Injury Settlement


White car with front end damage after a car accident being loaded onto a tow truck.After you have been involved in an accident, you might wonder how you can move forward with a personal injury claim. You’ve spoken with an attorney and those who have been through this process, and now you’re feeling concerns about your case. Perhaps you’re feeling low about the outcome of your case because you aren’t confident that you’ll receive the damages you need to move past this difficult time in your life.

After you’ve moved forward past the beginning steps following an accident, you might wonder how you can obtain the best settlement. This, of course, happens after you have received medical attention, spoke with police, and taken various other steps to ensure that your rights are upheld during this new and complex experience. How do you work toward the compensation number that you desired when it comes to your settlement?

Tips for Your Settlement 

Keeping Your Settlement Number in Mind: It is important to know your worth when it comes to receiving compensation in the midst of your claim. When discussions start going back and forth, you want to be able to consider your bottom line. This is so that, if the defendant in your case isn’t able to meet this bottom line, you know that you need to take steps to bring your case to court. You can revise these numbers along the way. 

Never Settling on First Offers: When insurance adjusters start their negotiation tactics, they might throw starting numbers at you that are quite low. It might feel special and tantalizing to take the first offers that are thrown in your direction, but this is not a wise choice. The adjuster is just trying to figure out what your claim is actually worth and see if you are impatient enough to take the first offer so that they don’t have to pay out what your claim might actually be worth. 

Using Emotional Points: If you have received severe injuries or you have sustained a proven emotional impact from your accident, it doesn’t hurt to tell them about the emotional pain that you have felt due to the actions of another party. Perhaps you and your entire family are suffering because you haven’t been able to return to work or pay them the same attention due to serious injuries.

Awaiting a Response: Until you have spoken with the adjuster and received a new offer, don’t adjust your offer. You want to stay consistent and never allow them to take advantage of you under any circumstances. 

Knowing When to Utilize an Attorney: If negotiations don’t seem to be working out for you or from the very beginning you have a bad feeling about negotiating these matters on your own, it might be time to speak with an attorney. Personal injury attorneys are knowledgeable at getting you the best results when it comes to your case and might know some tips and tricks you didn’t even think of.

Speaking to an Attorney Can Help 

If you want to gain confidence in your case with the understanding that you will receive the compensation you deserve, speaking with an attorney might be the best course of action. At Katz Kantor Stonestreet & Buckner, our experienced attorneys are here for you in your time of need, willing to handle the most severe personal injury cases. We understand how difficult it can be to handle these matters on your own, so speak with an attorney immediately to retain your rights and move forward. Contact us for more information at (304) 713-2014.
